On this page are documents commonly used in emergency management operations.  To view a document, simply click on the document title.  You should always consult with your local attorney in developing documents for your jurisdiction.

We created a separate page with information specific to Hurricane Dorian with related guidance from Hurricane Florence. Please access the page 'Hurricane Dorian and Florence Information' for our latest updates.

Mutual Aid


Local Ordinances


State of Emergency Declarations


FEMA Procurement Regulations and Guidelines

Please see the Hurricanes Dorian and Florence Information page for more specific FEMA procurement guidance.


Debris Removal Contracts

NOTE: See FEMA documents above for FEMA procurement guidelines and requirements - always consult FEMA regulations and your local attorney when contracting in a presidentially declared disaster


Volunteer Liability Waivers


Animal Shelter


Disaster Overtime Pay Personnel Policy


SOG Document Warehouse

The School of Government Document Warehouse contains a variety of documents developed by local governments.  Click on the link above to go to the Document Warehouse, and follow the search instructions.

Public Officials - Local and State Government Roles