
Knapp Library

Statistical Information and Directories for North Carolina State & Local Government


County Profiles From EDIS - EDIS database, N.C. Department of Commerce 

North Carolina Economic Development Information System - Regional Information, Industry Profiles, State Comparisons, Business and Economic Information, and Demographics and Labor Force Information


LINC - State Data Center, Office of State Budget and Management.

North Carolina QuickFacts - U.S. Census Bureau - state, county, and city quick facts 


Census Bureau Home Page 

County and City Data Book - (Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce).

Online versions of 1988, 1994, and 2000 editions available at Geospatial and Statistical Data Center, University of Virginia Library. Also available from census.gov.

FedStats - Gateway to statistics from over 100 U.S. Federal agencies. URL: https://nces.ed.gov/partners/fedstat.asp

Scholar's Lab - University of Virginia. 


National Agricultural Statistics Service - U.S. Department of Agriculture - State, District, and County Data, National Comparisons, Census of Agriculture, Production Charts and Maps 

N.C. Agricultural Statistics - County Estimates, N.C. Department of Agriculture.

Summary of Commodities by County 


Crime in North Carolina (Uniform Crime Report)
 - Division of Criminal Information, State Bureau of Investigation, N.C. Department of Justice. 

N.C. Department of Correction, Office of Research and Planning - Electronic Publications-Research Bulletins, Abstracts (Annual Statistical Reports) , Inmate Population Summary Sheets.


Bureau of Economic Analysis
(U.S. Department of Commerce) 

Bureau of Labor Statistics (U.S. Department of Labor). 

Economic Data - North Carolina Department of Commerce-Economic Development Information System-Business Search. 

North Carolina Manufacturers Directory-Harris Infosource International (in cooperation with the N.C. Department of Commerce), 2057 Aurora Rd., Twinsburg, Ohio, 44087, (800-888-5900; Fax 800-643-5997) (annual).


North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Reports and Statistics - Information about North Carolina Schools, Student Testing, and Program and Testing Evaluation and Analysis. 

North Carolina Statistical Profile - North Carolina Department of Public Instruction-Collection of Statistical Information About North Carolina's Elementary and Secondary Schools-1999 and 2000 editions available. 

SAT Scores and Other Public School Information - Links on main Department of Public Instruction Page. 


County Election Results, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners-Adobe Acrobat required. 

Odum Institute Dataverse Network, which includes polling questions and results (Carolina Poll, Louis Harris & Assoc. Polls, etc.). 

North Carolina Manual-North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State, Publications Division, PO Box 29622, Raleigh NC, 27626-0622 (919-807-2147) or order online at: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/pubsweb/catalog1.htm (issued every two years).


Employment Security Commission of North Carolina, North Carolina Department of Commerce. 

NC Labor & Economic Analysis - State and Local Section-Civilian Labor Force Estimates, Current Employment Statistics, Employment and Wages in North Carolina, North Carolina's Largest Employers. 


Directory of North Carolina County Officials - North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, P.O. Box 1488, Raleigh, NC, 27602-1488 (919-715-2893; Fax 919-733-1065) or to order via the internet: http://www.ncacc.org/index.aspx?nid=185 (2005) (annual).

Directory of State and County Officials of North Carolina, NC Department of the Secretary of State, Publications Division, PO Box 29622, Raleigh NC, 27626-0622 (919-807-2149; fax: 919-807-2146).

The Municipal Year Book - International City/County Management Association (ICMA), 777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 500, Washington, DC, 20002-4201 (800-745-8780; Fax 202-962-3500) or to order via the internet at: http://bookstore.icma.org/ (annual).



North Carolina Center for Health Statistics (State Center for Health Statistics), N.C. Department of Health and Human Services-North Carolina Vital Statistics, Cancer Incidence, Detailed Mortality, Birth and Infant Statistics, and the North Carolina Health Atlas).
URL: http://www.schs.state.nc.us/

North Carolina Center for Health Statistics (State Center for Health Statistics) Reports and Publications, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.
URL: http://www.schs.state.nc.us/data/

North Carolina Health Statistics Pocket Guide 2013, State Center for Health Statistics, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.
URL (browse here for the latest Pocket Guide): http://www.schs.state.nc.us/data/other.cfm


The Formation of the North Carolina Counties, 1663-1943-David Leroy Corbitt (5th printing, 1996); Map Showing the Formation of North Carolina Counties-Drawn by L. Polk Denmark and used in The Formation of the North Carolina Counties by D. L. Corbitt. (Reprinted, 1984); Chart Showing the Origin of North Carolina Counties-D. L. Corbitt and L. Polk Denmark. (5th printing, 1970)-all from Historical Publications Section of the Division of Archives and History, Department of Cultural Resources, 622 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4622 (919-733-7442; Fax: 919-733-1439).

NCpedia -State Library of North Carolina. URL: http://ncpedia.org/

North Carolina County Formation - hosted by RootsWeb. URL: http://statelibrary.ncdcr.gov/ghl/resources/genealogy/nccounties.html

Judicial and Law Enforcement Divisions

North Carolina Courts Directory Search-Administrative Office of the Courts URLs: http://www1.aoc.state.nc.us/juddir/employee/search/public/init.do

North Carolina Sheriffs' Association Directory, North Carolina Sheriffs' Association, P.O. Box 20049, Raleigh, N.C., 27619 (919-743-7433; Fax 919-783-5272) (annual). URL: http://www.ncsheriffs.org/ncmap.htm

Land Area

Land Area/Population Density for States, Counties, Metropolitan Areas, and Places-U.S. Census Bureau. 


Legislative Representation

Legislative/Congressional Representation, N.C. General Assembly.

North Carolina House, by county.

North Carolina House, by name.

North Carolina Senate, by county.

North Carolina Senate, by name.


North Carolina General Assembly Senate and House Rules-Directories- Offices of the Senate and House Principal Clerks, N.C. General Assembly, Legislative Bldg., 16 West Jones St., Raleigh, N.C., 27603-5925 (919-733-7761 for the Senate & 919-733-7760 for the House).


North Carolina Quick Facts - U.S. Census Bureau-Tiger Map Service. 

North Carolina Department of Transportation Maps (Including State Travel Maps) - Under Maps Link

Traffic Volume Maps 



National Association of Counties - 440 First St., N.W., Suite #800, Washington, DC, 20001-2080 (202-393-6226; Fax 202-393-2630). 

National League of Cities - 1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC, 20004-1763 (202-626-3000; Fax 202-626-3043). 

North Carolina Association of County Commissioners - P.O. Box 1488, Raleigh, NC, 27602-1488 (919-715-2893; Fax 919-733-1065). 

North Carolina League of Municipalities P.O. Box 3069, Raleigh, NC, 27602 (919-715-4000; Fax 919-733-9519). 


Census of Population-General Population Characteristics (North Carolina) CP-1-35 & Social and Economic Characteristics (North Carolina) CP-2-35 - Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce (U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC, 20402, (202-512-1806) (issued every ten years).

State Data Center
- Office of State Budget and Management, Office of the Governor (of North Carolina).

State Demographics
- State Demographics unit (of North Carolina).


County Tax Surveys - North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.

Budget and Tax Survey
 - North Carolina Association of County Commissioners.

State and Local Government Finance Division - N.C. Department of State Treasurer, 325 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC, 27603-1388 (919-733-3064; Fax 919-715-0229)-Online Reports.

Municipal Tax Rate and Budget Adjustment Survey - North Carolina League of Municipalities. 

Tax Publications and Reports - North Carolina Department of Revenue-Local Government Distributions and Reimbursements, Property Tax Rates and Valuation, Sales and Use Tax Statistical Reports, State Financial Reports.

Policy Analysis and Statistics Division -North Carolina Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 871 , Raleigh, NC, 27602-0871 (919-733-4548; Fax 919-715-3793)


Please send comments to Frank Alford

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