
Public Participation

Technical Assistance

Lydian Altman and Margaret Henderson offer technical assistance to help cross-organizational groups take stock of their current efforts in addressing their community’s public problems and decide on next steps to strengthen and sustain those efforts.  All technical assistance is custom-tailored for the needs of the communities or groups of service providers, which might include individuals, staff work teams, or community groups of community-based nonprofit organizations, government, philanthropies, faith-based organizations, or the business community.


John Stephens offers telephone consultation on public hearings and meetings, citizen advisory committees and task groups, and lesser-known methods commonly terms “deliberative democracy” or “collaborative governance."


Rick Morse offers consultation on strategies for collaborating with citizens, groups, and organizations (including other jurisdictions) in community problem solving, as well as how to build community capacity for collaboration.

Maureen Berner can consult on design of citizen survey processes and instruments.