Chief District Court Judges Leadership Training

    These courses are offered through the North Carolina Judicial College. They are designed to develop the leadership skills chief district court judges need in their administrative and supervisory roles. Each year we will offer a course on a particular aspect of leadership, such as communication, team building, strategic planning, case management, and managing conflict.

    This course qualifies for CJE credit.

    Additional information

    Attendees: Chief District Court Judges


    There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
    There are no materials avaliable for this course at this time.
    For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

    Dale Zuckert

    Assistant Registrar
    For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

    Erica Carlisle

    Program Manager, Courts Group
    Robert W. Bradshaw Jr. Distinguished Professor of Public Administration and Government; Associate Dean for Graduate Studies; Director, UNC MPA Program
    Professor of Public Law and Government; Director, North Carolina Judicial College