Educational Issues for Systems-Involved Youth

  • Chapel Hill, NC

This multiday course explores the connection between juvenile court proceedings and the education system, with an emphasis on the educational rights of children.  Topics for discussion include, but are not limited to, school enrollment and educational stability for children in foster care; special education; school discipline and school-justice partnerships; the role of law enforcement in schools;  the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); and information sharing between juvenile court and schools, including access to school records.

This course is one of the core courses required for advanced certification in juvenile justice and advanced certification in child welfare. Completion of the course will count toward both certifications.

Advanced Juvenile Certification in Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice
CJE12.00 hrs
  • Chapel Hill, NC
    March 10 - 12, 2025
    UNC School of Government
    400 South Road
    Knapp-Sanders Building
    Chapel Hill, NC 27514
    View Additional Information
    Must apply
There are no materials avaliable for this course at this time.
For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Brooke Cale

Program Manager, Courts Group
Professor of Public Law and Government
Albert and Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Associate Professor of Public Law and Government
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