Juvenile Delinquency

This course is intended for District Court Judges who are relatively new to juvenile court, but could also serve as refreshers for judges with substantial experience in juvenile court. The topics that will be covered include Subchapter II of the Juvenile Code--from pre-petition to post-disposition stages in delinquency cases. The course also considers how delinquency court might function in a trauma-informed manner, the role of the juvenile court counselor, types of dispositional alternatives, and the collateral consequences of a delinquency adjudication.

Additional information

Attendees: This course is open to all District Court Judges. If registration exceeds capacity, priority is given to judges seeking juvenile certification. Only those who can commit to attending the entire course should apply.

This is one of five required courses for Juvenile Court Certification.


There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
There are no materials avaliable for this course at this time.
For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Brooke Cale

Program Manager, Courts Group
Associate Professor of Public Law and Government