Legislative Changes to Guardianship: Orders for Costs, Including Attorneys’ Fees, Under the Amended G.S. 35A-1116
The date of this webinar has changed to Thursday, April 4 from 3-4:30pm.
This 1.25-hour long webinar is for Elected, Assistant, and Deputy Clerks of Superior Court. We will cover a key legislative changes enacted by Session Law 2023-124 that are applicable to orders entered by the clerk for costs, including attorneys’ fees, in incompetency and adult guardianship proceedings. The webinar will be taught by Meredith Smith, UNC School of Government, and Matt Kraus, N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts Office of General Counsel. There is no cost to attend.
PARTICIPANTS: This webinar will be open to Elected, Assistant, and Deputy Clerks of Superior Court.
CLE: This training will qualify for 1.25 hours of general CLE credit, pending approval from the NC State Bar. Attorneys seeking CLE credit will need to provide their Bar number upon registration. The School will be filing for CLE on behalf of the attorneys.
1.25 hours of CLE (pending approval)