Solutions Forum: Grappling with Growth

How do North Carolina communities plan for growth? How are we doing annexation now? Who has figured out the missing middle? What are the zoning changes we need? And what are the prospects of actual transit-oriented development? If your community is grappling with these questions of growth, then gather a crew and join us at the Solutions Forum focused on Grappling with Growth. This forum embraces the interdisciplinary nature of these challenges: we need planners, managers, lawyers, engineers, private developers, and elected officials if we will progress on these challenges. This two-day event is structured to facilitate conversation across departments and jurisdictions. Join us to connect with peers, learn from across North Carolina, and craft the solutions for tomorrow. 

Special Pricing Offer – When a jurisdiction registers together and consists of individuals representing at least 4 of the following areas, they will receive $25 off the full registration fee (planners, managers, lawyers, engineers, private developers, and elected officials).

To receive the discount, you must register everyone in your group in the same transaction.. If you need to connect existing registration accounts to the account of the individual submitting your registrations or if you have other questions, please contact our registration team at

Class: Will start mid to late morning on the first day, and run til after lunch on the 2nd day. Specific dates/times will be posted as soon as they are finalized.

Hotel: Hotel block information will be posted here soon

AICP Credit Hours TBD 

There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.

 Agenda will be posted soon 



For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Susan Hutchinson

Program Manager, Law and Finance Group; Continuing Education Manager
Albert and Gladys Coates Distinguished Professor; Professor of Public Law and Government