Top 10 Primer: Rules of Procedure
For most local governments in North Carolina, the first Monday in December is a big day! This is the day that most newly elected local officials take their Oaths of Office. While there are some local governments on different elections schedules, by far most local governing boards hold election in November and by December they are seating new members, organizing themselves for the next year, and starting to think about board and council priorities.
This fast-paced interactive program explores the legal requirements that require local governing bodies to adopt written Rules of Procedure. The workshop will provide an overview of the format and content most often covered by these Rules, and help elected officials understand the value of having written processes for addressing the many difficult public policy issues that come before them.
Topics covered include:
- Why have Rules of Procedure
- The Power to Act
- The Role of the Presiding Officer
- Organizing the Board
- Agenda and Order of Business
- Providing for Debate
- Types of Meetings
- The Role of the Clerk
- Sources of assistance and support in becoming familiar with the adopted rules will be identified. Participants can also clarify any questions about their own jurisdiction’s written procedures.
Resources for assistance and support to become familiar with your adopted rules will be identified. Participants will also have an opportunity to clarify any questions they may have about their own jurisdiction’s written procedures.
LELA Level: This is a 101 Level course in the Local Elected Leaders Academy. Elected officials who attend this class will earn 2 credits towards the Practitioner recognition certificate.