Single Protective Arrangements and Single Transactions

Live date: 
Monday, April 5, 2021 - 9:00am

This webinar breaks down the tools found in N.C. Gen. Stat. 35A-1121 (effective October 1, 2021). Attorneys will learn the requirements for single protective arrangements and transactions, and their application in cases depending on the property and needs of an adult subject to guardianship.


Meredith Smith, Associate Professor of Public Law and Government, UNC School of Government
Timothy Heinle, Civil Defender Educator, UNC School of Government
Catherine Wilson, Attorney
Matt Kraus, Assistant Legal Counsel with N.C. Administrative Office of the Courts
Additional Information


For additional information about public defense education courses and resources, visit our Public Defense Education site.  

1.25 hours
CLE Value:
1.25 hrs
1.25 hrs

Faculty Coordinators

individual image for Meredith Smith
Albert and Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Associate Professor of Public Law and Government
individual image for Timothy Heinle
Teaching Assistant Professor
For questions regarding course details, please contact the program manager.

Faculty Coordinators

individual image for Monica Yelverton
Associate Director of Programs and Services, Public Defense Education
For questions regarding course content, please contact the faculty coordinator.

Faculty Coordinators

individual image for Meredith Smith
Albert and Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Associate Professor of Public Law and Government
individual image for Timothy Heinle
Teaching Assistant Professor
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Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration