State v. Mosher, Jr., 235 N.C. App. 513 (2014)
Felony child abuse convictions based upon G.S. 14-318.4(a3) intentional infliction of serious bodily injury and (a4) serious bodily injury resulting from a willful act or grossly negligent omission that shows a reckless disregard for human life are not mutually exclusive when there are two separate successive acts. Here, defendant was convicted of two counts of felony child abuse, the first under subsection (a4) by leaving the children unattended in a bathtub filled with scalding hot water, and then under subsection (a3) by intentionally holding one child in the scalding water after returning to them.
Criminal Cases with Application to Child WelfareStage:
Felony Child AbuseTopic:
Serious Bodily Injury