What are the guidelines and best practices for unpublishing content?

Program managers, StratCom staff and other groups have the ability to publish and unpublish most of the content types found on the SOG Main web site.

All content is published (by default) when it is created.

The most straightforward way to identify the content to unpublish is to use one of the Editor Index lists found in Editor Tools.

You may access Editor Tools by logging in, then clicking on the Editor Tools button at the upper right of the user welcome page.

The Editor Index lists and the Marketing lists contain lists of content for our most popular content types.

The Editor Index lists can be filtered by Published/Unpublished status, enabling one to find content to be Unpublished, re-Published, or to verify status.

Be mindful when unpublishing certain types of content such as Courses. Please check with the Course owner to be sure that the Course will no longer be offered, and be aware that links to the old Course willl no longer work.

In general, Courses stay published whether there is a current Course Offering or not. This way, potential students can sign up for notifications when the Course is offered again. Unpublishing Courses would usually only be appropriate when a Course will no longer ever be offered.

Think about URLs when unpublishing content. Old URLs can be redirected by the site to new URLs for published content. When you feel that an old URL needs to be in use even though the content is unpublished, you may enter an IT support ticket providing the old URL to be redirected, and the new URL, and we will set up a redirect.

If you need to have a lot of content unpublished in bulk, the IT Division can help with that, please enter a support ticket and describe how we may identify the content to be unpublished, and we can do that for you.