What are the School’s values?

The School has carried out its mission through three consistent values for more than 90 years.

Non-partisan: Our value of non-partisanship means our work does not advocate for specific political ideology or engage in partisanship. We do not alter our education or professional and legal guidance to suit the specific political beliefs of clients, funders, or other individuals and organizations. We recognize the diversity of thought and experience present in our state and strive to cultivate an environment where relevant discussion is professional and respectful.

Policy-neutral: The School of Government holds neutrality as a core value in our work. This means we do not advocate for specified policy goals. Our neutrality value requires us to provide policy makers and other stakeholders with our informed opinions based on our expertise and all relevant facts, without altering our analysis due to personal beliefs or those of our audience.

Responsive: Our responsiveness value means our teaching, research, and advising are carried out in direct response to requests from, or in conjunction with, public officials. Because of our longstanding relationships with governments in all 100 North Carolina counties, state government, and key partner organizations, we are uniquely equipped to respond to emerging needs and urgent challenges throughout the state.

These values have built a legacy of trust with North Carolina’s public officials.