What does the consolidated human services board do?

  • If the CHSA includes public health, the CHS board acquires all powers and duties ofthe local board of health except (i) appointing the director, and (ii) transmitting or presenting the budget for local health programs. This includes adopting local health regulations, protecting public health, participating in enforcement appeals of local regulations, and performing regulatory health functions required by State law.
  • If the CHSA includes social services, the CHS board acquires all powers and duties of the county board of social services except (i) appointing the director, and (ii) transmitting or presenting the budget for social services programs.
  • The CHS board also:
    • Sets fees for CHSA services, based on recommendations of the CHSA director and subject to constraints in the law.
    • Assures compliance with laws for state and federal programs and can conduct audits and reviews of human services programs.
    • Recommends the creation of local human services programs.
    • Advises local officials via the county manager.
    • Performs public relations and advocacy functions.
    • Acts as coordinator or agent of the State to the extent required by State or federal law.
    • Plans and recommends a consolidated human services budget.
    • Develops dispute resolution procedures for human services contractors and clients and public advocates, subject to applicable State and federal dispute resolution procedures for human services programs, when applicable.