S.L. 2013-122 (H 396). Private Well Water Education Act
S.L. 2013-122 enacts the Private Well Water Education Act, which amends existing G.S. 87-97.
S.L. 2013-122 enacts the Private Well Water Education Act, which amends existing G.S. 87-97. The new law directs the state Commission for Public Health to adopt rules requiring local health departments to educate citizens about well water testing that is required under state laws, optional testing that is available, the limitations of the tests, and minimum drinking water standards. The education must be made available to those for whom new private drinking water wells are constructed, as well as anyone who contacts the local health department regarding testing on an existing well. When a local health department conducts tests on a private drinking water well and provides test results pursuant to prior law, it must include information regarding the scope of required and optional testing.