Clerks of Superior Court Electronic Mailing List (superiorcourtclerks)
Why should I subscribe to this mailing list? This mailing list will be used to distribute publications to you via e-mail from the School of Government. Publication topics include adoption, adult guardianship, attachment, bankruptcy, claim and delivery, estate administration, foreclosure, judgments, the office of the clerk, partition, supplemental proceedings, and trusts, among others. This mailing list is for distribution purposes only and will not permit subscribers to enter into discussions with one another.
Who is the audience? This mailing list is open to anyone interested in the subject areas where clerks of court exercise judicial authority. Subscribers include elected clerks, assistant clerks, deputy clerks, judges, county attorneys, and other public officials as well as private practitioners.
How do I sign up? Click the subscribe button to be added to the electronic mailing list.