The Property Tax Mailing list (PTAX) is devoted to the exchange of information among property tax assessors and collectors in North Carolina who, have common concerns, questions and interests. The mailing list server utilizes email to send each member of the list copies of each item of correspondence. Every question, answer, and comment is sent to each member of the list via email to read and, possibly, to comment further via another email.
A listserv member can send a message to the list two in different ways:
- address a message to,
- or send a “reply” to any Listserv message you received.
If you need to change your e-mail address:
- unsubscribe your old e-mail address by sending an e-mail from that account to with the subject line "unsubscribe ptax" (remove the quotes),
- subscribe your new e-mail address by clicking subscribe.
For information about the list, please contact Kirk Boone.
For technical assistance please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager at
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