Child Development for Judges

This three-day course, offered by the North Carolina Judicial College, is designed for North Carolina district court judges who hear abuse, neglect, and dependency; delinquency and undisciplined; or child custody cases. The objective of the course is to allow participants to learn about child development in a small-group, interactive setting. To make this possible, attendance will be limited to 30 participants and an application is required.

 Program Topics:

  • Normative child development: infancy to adolescence
  • Impact of abuse, neglect, and other trauma on development and practical strategies to build a trauma-informed courtroom
  • Autism spectrum disorders, early onset behavior disorders, and mental health conditions
  • Making developmentally appropriate judicial decisions


This course qualifies for CJE credit. This is one of five courses required for juvenile certification and one of two courses required for judges new to a family court rotation in a family court district.

There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.

Materials from the 2024 Child Development training are available online here.

For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Erica Carlisle

Program Manager, Courts Group
Albert and Gladys Hall Coates Distinguished Term Associate Professor of Public Law and Government