Judicial Decision-Making for Magistrates

  • Chapel Hill, NC
Magistrates in a class room setting

This seminar will offer an intensive exploration of judicial decision-making by magistrates:  how those decisions are made, how they should be made according to the law, and how they often fall short of that ideal due to the impact of real life. Our focus will be on improving participants’ abilities to make legal decisions correctly while identifying and guarding against improper influences. Like all Judicial College seminars, this course will be highly interactive. Participants will have many opportunities to practice new skills, discuss new ideas, and evaluate current practices.

Additional information


Judicial Decision-Making for Magistrates is a qualifying course in the Judicial College's Certification Program for MagistratesJudicial Decision-Making for Magistrates is the only course that is required for both the Civil Law and Criminal Law Certifications. 

Agenda: Click Here

This course qualifies for 9 hours of general Magistrate CE credit.

CEU9.00 hrs
  • Chapel Hill, NC
    December 5 - 6, 2024
    UNC School of Government
    400 South Road
    Knapp-Sanders Building
    Chapel Hill, NC 27514
    View Additional Information
    Must apply
For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Karli Wilson

Program Manager, Courts Group
Teaching Assistant Professor
Teaching Assistant Professor