G.S. 48-3-205
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual or agency that places a minor for adoption must provide to the prospective adoptive parent a written document containing specified background information about the child and the child’s biological parents (for example, child’s birth date and parents’ ages, education, and general physical appearance) and all reasonably available nonidentifying information about the child, the child’s biological parents, and other members of the child’s family that is relevant to the child’s health and development. This information must be disclosed to the child, on request, after the child’s 18th birthday, marriage, or emancipation.
An adoptive parent, adoptee, or any person subject of information authorized for disclosure by G.S. 48-3-205 may bring civil action for equitable or monetary relief or both against someone who intentionally or fraudulently misrepresents or fails to disclose the required information.