
Public Intersection Project

Basic Information About Nonprofit-Government Relationships


A Primer on Nonprofit Organizations
Gita Gulati-Partee
Sunday, July 1, 2001

Even though state and local governments are increasingly collaborating with nonprofit organizations, some government officials may be skeptical of their value. The questions and answers in this article are intended to help officials better understand how they can work with nonprofits to stretch tax dollars and benefit communities.

Primer on Nonprofit Organizations (Popular Government v66 no4) (Primer on Nonprofit Organizations (Popular Government v66 no4), 79.38 KB)
How Local Governments Work with Nonprofit Organizations in North Carolina
Gordon Whitaker, Rosalind Day
Monday, January 1, 2001

Local Governments and nonprofits often have common objectives. A 1999 survey of the state's municipalities and counties reveals the diverse ways in which the two domains have been joining forces.

How Local Governments Work with Nonprofits in North Carolina (Popular Government v66 no2) (How Local Governments Work with Nonprofits in North Carolina (Popular Government v66 no2), 128.01 KB)
Public Officials - Local and State Government Roles