A Comparative Analysis of Performance Management Systems: The Cases of Sicily and North Carolina

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Research has shown that performance management is still maturing as an effectiveorganizational approach in public organizations around the world, concluding that the limitationsof existing models must be addressed. The international comparative case study analysis betweenthe regional governments of Sicily and North Carolina presented in this article responds to thisfinding by presenting policy recommendations and organizational strategies on how other regional governments can create more robust performance management systems for higher levelsof accountability and transparency during a time of global economic crisis. They include theconsideration of organizational structure regarding alignment, control, and culture, the positive impact of performance management legislation, the role of executive leadership, and the need for an informational infrastructure that supports performance management.

Bianchi, Carmine and William C. Rivenbark. A Comparative Analysis of Performance Management Systems: The Cases of Sicily and North Carolina. 2012. Public Performance & Management Review, 35 (3): 509-526.
Topics - Local and State Government