Town of Mooresville, NC: 2012 Report of Demographic Subgroup Comparisons

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The National Citizen Survey™ (The NCS™) is a collaborative effort between National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). The survey and its administration are standardized to assure high quality survey methods and comparable results across The National Citizen Survey™ jurisdictions. Participating households are selected at random and the household member who responds is selected without bias. Multiple mailings give each household more than one chance to participate with self-addressed and postage paid envelopes. Results are statistically weighted to reflect the proper demographic composition of the entire community.

The National Citizen Survey™ customized for this jurisdiction was developed in close cooperation with local jurisdiction staff. The Town of Mooresville staff selected items from a menu of questions about services and community problems; they defined the jurisdiction boundaries NRC used for sampling; and they provided the appropriate letterhead and signatures for mailings. Town of Mooresville staff also determined local interest in a variety of add-on options to The National Citizen Survey™ Basic Service.

One of the add-on options that Mooresville chose was to have crosstabulations of evaluative questions 1-18 by demographic questions D3 (length of residency in Mooresville), D5 (rent or own home), D10 and D11 (race and ethnicity), D12 (age of respondent) and D13 (gender of respondent).

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