The NC Zoning Officials listserv (NCAZO) is devoted to the exchange of information among zoning officers in North Carolina who have common concerns, questions and interests. Requests for information, passing along articles and sites to explore, and other information exchange are welcome. Commercial advertising and posts unrelated to administration and enforcement of development regulations are not allowed.
The NCAZO list is open and unmoderated. No one approves the messages before they are sent out to members, but messages that are not consistent with the list purposes may be removed and a member who violates list rules may be unsubscribed. Participation is open to anyone, although the focus of the discussion and most of the participants are zoning administrators and zoning enforcement officers working in the state of North Carolina.
Those making posts and responding to posts are also encouraged to remember that your postings to the list go to all members. Please use individual messages and responses when you have a personal message to send. Also, all posts to the list are considered to be public records under state law and are thus open to public inspection.
Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list.
A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
• address a message to, or
• send a “reply” to any listserv message you received.
For more information, please email David Owens at
Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: