The NC Planning listserv allows planners to communicate through e-mail. There are over 1,300 subscribers on on this electronic mailing list. If you subscribe, you can send e-mail messages to all other subscribing members, and you will receive copies of any messages sent by other subscribing members.
The NC PLAN list is open and unmoderated. No one approves the messages before they are sent out to members. Participation is open to anyone, although the focus of the discussion and most of the participants are professional planners working in the state of North Carolina.
Free, full, unedited, unexpurgated exchange of ideas is a central feature of this list. All ideas, questions, and comments are welcome, even when they are divergent from the mainstream. Requests for information, passing along articles and sites to explore, and other information exchange are also welcome and are likewise a critical function for the group.
Those making posts and responding to posts are also encouraged to remember that your postings to the list go to all members (now over 1,300 active subscribers). Please use individual messages and responses when you have a personal message to send. Also note that postings that violate SOG listserve policies are subject to removal and posters who violate those policies (summarized below) are subject to removal from the list.
To search past posts, click the "View archives" button at the top of this page. This links to past posts to the NCPlan list. That page also has a search function that allows you to use key words to find posts on a particular topic.
Posts that are inappropriate for this list include:
--Profane, defamatory, vulgar or offensive language
--Deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track
--Attacks on specific groups or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual
--Hateful or discriminatory comments regarding race, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or political beliefs
--Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material
--Spam or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices
--Commercial solicitations or promoting products, services, or brands
--Violations of copyright or intellectual property rights
--Content determined to be inappropriate, in poor taste, or otherwise contrary to the purposes of the forum
--Material advertising for a campaign or other partisan political material