Local Government Document Warehouse

Access the Local Government Document Warehouse 

Welcome to the North Carolina Local Government Document Warehouse. The purpose of this site is to make available to public officials throughout North Carolina examples of documents that have been developed by North Carolina local governments for their own use.


This is not a collection of documents that have been selected as models or best practices. It is up to each user of this website to review and evaluate documents contained in the warehouse to determine whether they are useful, appropriate, and legal for the user's particular need. Documents in this warehouse are contributed by local government agencies in North Carolina. They were not created by and have not been reviewed by School of Government faculty. We encourage users of this site to contact representatives of the jurisdiction that originated the document to find out about the background and use of the document, and any modifications of or updates to a document before using it.

The School of Government, by collecting and making these documents available, does not make any representation about their legal validity. We strongly recommend that you consult with your local attorney before using any document obtained from this site.

Submitting a document

Any person submitting a document should review it to make sure it meets the following criteria.

Documents should be:

  • Relevant and legally applicable to North Carolina local governments
  • Current, complete and usable as submitted
  • Legally available for public use without infringing intellectual property or contractual rights

Documents submitted will be reviewed by the warehouse administrator for appropriateness but will not be reviewed for substantive merit or legality.

Click this link to submit a document.

Removing or replacing a document

To remove a document submitted by you or your agency, email the Document Warehouse Administrator. Please include the Exact Title (copy and paste if necessary) and the Author.

To replace a document submitted by you or your agency, email the Document Warehouse Administrator. Please attach the replacement document and include the Exact Title (copy and paste if necessary) of the document to be replaced.

Year of launch: 
Public Officials - Local and State Government Roles
Topics - Local and State Government