Shannon H. Tufts
Shannon H. Tufts is a professor of public administration and government at the School of Government. She is an expert on the intersection of law and technology in the public sector, cybersecurity, cloud computing, social media, and strategic IT investments, as well as CIO leadership and development.
As faculty member at the School of Government, she designed and implemented the first local government Certified Government Chief Information Officers (CGCIO) program in the nation in 2004 and continues to run multiple CIO certification programs across the United States for local and state government IT professionals.
She joined the School in 2000 and is the director of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Center for Public Technology.
Tufts earned a bachelor's degree UNC–Chapel Hill, MPA from UNC–Charlotte, and Ph.D. in public administration with a concentration in public sector information systems from North Carolina State University.
Selected Publications
Tufts, Shannon H. 2020. Teleworking Guidance: Best Practices, Sample Policies, and Cybersecurity.
Tufts, Shannon H., Willow S. Jacobson, and Mattie Sue Stevens. “Status Update: Social Media and Local Government HR Practices.” Review of Public Personnel Administration, June 2015, vol. 35, no. 2193-207.
Tufts, Shannon H. 2013. “Citizen Engagement 2.0: An Analysis of Official City Facebook Pages to Determine Antecedents to Digital Civic Engagement.” Journal of Information Technology Management, Volume XXV, Number 2, 2014.
Tufts, Shannon H., and Meredith L. Weiss. 2013. “Cloudy with a Chance of Success: Contracting for the Cloud in Government.” IBM Business of Government.
Jacobson, Willow S., and Shannon H. Tufts. “To Post or Not to Post: Employee Rights and Social Media.” Review of Public Personnel Administration, Volume 33, Issue 1, March 2013.