Basics of County Human Services

In partnership with the School of Government Faculty Members Aimee Wall, Jill Moore, and Mark Botts, the NCACC is offering the Basics of County Human Services.

Some of the most complex services in county government are those known colloquially as “human services”.  The county departments of social services, local public health agencies, and local management entities for mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse services provide treatment, care and support to citizens across all wealth and social strata.  These agencies require significant expenditures of county funds that, in many counties, are second only their expenditures for public schools. 

Newly-elected officials are not alone in thinking these county service agencies are complex and their programs confusing.  Whether you’re new to your office or have served for multiple terms, a basic understanding of these agencies’ services and the statutory roles and responsibilities you have in their organization and funding will help you be a better community leader. 

The Basics of County Human Services offers new commissioners their first step in a four-part continuum of critical topics to know and understand at an introductory level as they begin leading and governing.   Through a budget development simulation, commissioners will develop a deeper understanding of their governance roles and responsibilities.  Assisting in the mock session will be Nancy Coston, Orange County Director of Social Services, Layton Long, Chatham County Public Health Director, Victoria Whitt, Executive Director of the Sandhills Center, Commissioner Jerry Langley (Beaufort), Commissioner Kevin Austin (Yadkin), and Commissioner Brenda Howerton (Durham).    

This program was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2019.  For more information, click here:


There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.
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Dale Zuckert

Assistant Registrar
For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

Jessica Khan

Director of Programming, Management and Leadership Group
Associate Professor of Public Law and Government
Associate Professor of Public Law and Government