Landlord-Tenant Law for Magistrates

    This course is sponsored by NC Administrative Office of the Courts.

    This 18-hour online seminar is designed for all small claims magistrates, including those who are new to holding small claims court. The sessions will consist of lecture accompanied by a variety of interactive exercises, and students will need uninterrupted online access during each session. Content will include all aspects of summary ejectment law, with our emphasis always on the pragmatic application of legal principles in the small claims courtroom.  

    NOTE: Intro to Small Claims is a recommended prerequisite for magistrates new to small claims, but it is not a requirement for admission.

    Additional information

    Attendees: NC Magistrates presently holding or preparing to hold Small Claims Court

    Credit: Magistrate CLEs and NC Bar CLEs
    General18.00 hrs
    Total18.00 hrs
    There currently are no scheduled offerings of this course.



    Module 1: Overview & Introduction to Basic Concepts

    Module 2: Special Procedures for Summary Ejectment

    Module 3: Grounds for Eviction: Forfeiture & Failure

    Module 4: Grounds for Eviction: Holding Over & Criminal Activity

    Module 5: Special Rules for Subsidized Housing

    Module 6: Tenant's Claims & Defenses

    Module 7: Special Situations & Pesky Questions

    Module 8: Law on Damages & How to Enter Judgment

    Module 9: Putting it All Together

    For all registration questions, resetting passwords, or login issues please contact:

    Dale Zuckert

    Assistant Registrar
    For questions regarding course details, including location, schedule, materials, and continuing education credits, please contact:

    Jessica Schoonmaker

    Program Manager, Courts Group
    Donna Lewandowski
    Teaching Associate Professor of Public Law and Government