
Popular Government

Popular Government back issue: Vol. 66, No. 2, Winter 2001

See links to online articles from this issue below.


Table of Contents, Popular Government Vol. 66, No. 2
Monday, January 1, 2001
toc.pdf (pdf, 61.15 KB)
The Future of Educational Diversity: Old Decrees, New Challenges
John Charles Boger, Elizabeth Jean Bower
Monday, January 1, 2001

Three recent decisions by federal courts appear to forbid most North Carolina school boards from considering race or ethnicity as they assign children to public schools. What forces led to these decisions, and what choices remain for school boards and parents?

article1.pdf (pdf, 384.83 KB)
Modeling Good Citizenship for the Next Generation
Susan Leigh Flinspach, Jason Bradley Kay
Monday, January 1, 2001

Recent studies indicate that many American youths lack the knowledge, the skills, and the dispositions to participate fully in the democratic process. How can they be encouraged to become better citizens? One way is through the power of example.

article2.pdf (pdf, 615.75 KB)
How Local Governments Work with Nonprofit Organizations in North Carolina
Gordon Whitaker, Rosalind Day
Monday, January 1, 2001

Local Governments and nonprofits often have common objectives. A 1999 survey of the state's municipalities and counties reveals the diverse ways in which the two domains have been joining forces.

How Local Governments Work with Nonprofits in North Carolina (Popular Government v66 no2) (How Local Governments Work with Nonprofits in North Carolina (Popular Government v66 no2), 128.01 KB)
Strengthening Relationships between Local Governments and Nonprofits
Lydian Altman, Margaret F. Henderson, Gordon Whitaker
Monday, January 1, 2001

Are the ties that bind local governments and nonprofits as strong as they could be? Survey data and interviews offer insights, identify obstacles, and provide ideas on how to improve those relationships.

Strengthening Relationships between Local Governments and Nonprofits (Popular Government v66 no2) (Strengthening Relationships between Local Governments and Nonprofits (Popular Government v66 no2), 159.91 KB)
Smile, Red-Light Runners . . . You're on Automated Camera
Randy Jay Harrington
Monday, January 1, 2001

Charlotte, North Carolina, uses cameras at selected intersections to enforce the requirement that drivers stop at red lights. Why did the city introduce this innovation? What have been the results? Every picture tells a story.

article5.pdf (pdf, 159.10 KB)