County and Municipal Government in North Carolina, Second Edition, 2014 (eBook)
Public Employment Law
County and Municipal Government in North Carolina
The Employment-At-Will Rule / 208
Hiring and Firing Authority in North Carolina Cities / 210
Mayor–Council Form of Government / 210
Council–Manager Form of Government / 210
Hiring and Firing Authority in North Carolina Counties / 211
Officers Elected by the People / 211
Employees Whose Appointments Are Made
through or Are Subject to Boards / 212
Requirements of Boards / 212
Employees Subject to the State Human Resources Act / 212
“Substantially Equivalent” Personnel Systems / 213
Consolidated Human Services Agencies / 213
Organization of the Human Resources Function / 214
Personnel Officers in Cities / 214
Position Classification / 214
Compensation: Wages / 215
Restrictions on a County Board’s
Compensation Authority / 215
Salary Increases and Longevity Pay / 216
Minimum Wage and Overtime Requirements / 216
Equal Pay / 217
Compensation: Benefits / 217
Local Governmental Employees’ Retirement System / 217
Social Security / 218
Personnel Rules and Conditions of Employment / 218
Policies / 218
Vacation and Other Leave / 219
Recruitment and Selection / 219
Federal Statutes and the Local Government
Employment Relationship / 220
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 / 220
Affirmative Action and Use of Race as a Criterion in
Government Employment Decisions / 220
Other Federal Antidiscrimination Acts / 222
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act / 222
Statutes Prohibiting Discrimination on
the Basis of Disability / 222
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act / 223
Defense of Employees / 223
Workers’ Compensation / 223
Unemployment Compensation / 224
Unionization and Employee Relations / 225
Restrictions on Political Activity / 225
Discipline, Dismissal, and Grievances / 226
Personnel Records / 227
Information Permitted to Be Released / 227
Exceptions to the Rule of Confidentiality / 228
Conclusion / 229
Additional Resources / 229
About the Author / 229