Are You Prepared? Legal Issues Facing North Carolina Public Employers in Disasters and Other Emergencies
North Carolina public employers face natural and man-made disasters, ranging from hurricanes, tornadoes, severe winter storms, and flooding to pandemic flu and the possibility of bioterrorism. Providing essential services is a daunting challenge, not only because of physical and environmental obstacles, but because government employees and their families must deal with the same issues facing the population at large.
This book discusses the employment law issues faced by governmental employers that are specific to disasters and other emergencies.
- Part 1 focuses on preparing for disaster and emergency circumstances generally.
- Part 2 addresses compensation issues likely to arise when some employees must work many additional hours, while others cannot or will not make it to the workplace.
- Part 3 considers the legal issues that will be specific to public health emergencies, such as an outbreak of pandemic flu or the release of a biological agent by terrorists.
"This book is an essential purchase for every city and county manager and human resources director. Complete, well written, and logically presented, this volume is a one-stop guide to the human resources dimensions of disaster and emergency management. Get it before you need it."
Drake Maynard
Human Resources Consultant and Retired Human Resources Manager