Electronic Discovery in North Carolina: A Guide for Public Sector Entities to the Rules and Tools for Litigating in the Digital Age

Thursday, January 1, 2009

What are the current rules governing the discovery of electronic information in federal and state courts in North Carolina? How effective are these rules in addressing the unique issues posed by e-discovery? This publication identifies distinct aspects of electronic information and analyzes the application of current rules of civil procedure in both federal and state courts to its discovery. The book is divided into four sections and provides (1) a discussion of the differences between electronic information and paper documents, (2) a roadmap as to what electronic information generally is discoverable in federal and state courts in North Carolina, (3) an analysis of how litigants may use both federal and state rules as tools to effectively contain the costs and burdens associated with e-discovery, and (4) guidance for public sector litigants who face challenges as government entities in complying with e-discovery requirements.

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Publication date: 
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Kara A. Millonzi
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Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration
Topics - Local and State Government