Inclusionary Zoning: A Guide to Ordinances and the Law
Inclusionary zoning ordinances encourage real estate developers to set aside a portion of new development for housing that is affordable to households in a certain income bracket. The variations among such ordinances are as numerous as the communities that have adopted them, because each one must be crafted with the particular needs of the community in mind. As a result, public officials, housing professionals, and concerned citizens face a dizzying array of options when developing an inclusionary zoning ordinance.
This guide explains the major policy decisions associated with inclusionary zoning and provides the legal context for those decisions. It also provides examples of ordinance language from inclusionary zoning programs around the country - including recently enacted programs from North Carolina - to illustrate specific choices. The aim is to help with the task of developing or modifying an inclusionary zoning ordinance by translating policy decisions into a working ordinance.
This book also contains guidance for public officials developing local affordable housing programs. For more information, please follow the links to the following blog posts, available for free on the School of Government blog, Community and Economic Development in North Carolina and Beyond: