A Legal Guide to Purchasing and Contracting for North Carolina Local Governments, 2004 Edition with 2007 Supplement
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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Provides a description of legal requirements for North Carolina local government contracts in a question-and-answer format. The appendix includes the text of the major statutes governing purchasing and contracting, as well as reprints of articles on the "piggybacking" exception and the "responsiveness" requirement in evaluating bids. The second edition has been revised to include legal requirements for local school units which are now subject to the procedures explained in the book.
The book contains updates, which incorporate recent legislative changes, and a revised Dollar Thresholds Chart, dated November 1, 2015. Effective July 27, 2005, the coverage of the informal bidding statute, G.S. 143-131 has changed.
"If only everyone had this book, how much easier our lives would be. No one can remember all these laws, so I continually refer to this book. How do you think we become 'experts'? We simply know where to find the answers."
Dewey Peck, CLGPO, A.P.P.
Purchasing/Project Manager
City of Salisbury
Publication date:
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Second Edition, 2004
Page count:
Public Officials - Local and State Government Roles
Topics - Local and State Government