As the largest university-based local government training, advisory, and research organization in the United States, the School of Government serves more than 12,000 public officials each year.
The School of Government publishes essential books, manuals, reports, articles, bulletins, and other print and online content related to state and local government.
The School of Government offers information and services related to a wide range of topics relevant to government and judicial officials—in-person and on a variety of platforms.
The School of Government depends on private and public support for fulfilling its mission. Your gift will make a lasting impact on the quality of government and civic participation in North Carolina.
The Joseph Palmer Knapp Library houses a large collection of material on state and local government, public administration, and management to support the School's instructional and research programs and the educational mission of the Master of Public Administration program. Reference and research services are available to all residents of North Carolina, and additional assistance is available to state and local government personnel, both elected and appointed.
Clerk Net is the official home page for municipal and county clerks and regional council secretaries in North Carolina, with links and information of interest to clerks. The main objective of this site is to facilitate the dissemination of information to county and municipal clerks in North Carolina.
“You clerks are leaders, often unrecognized, un-praised, and underpaid. Please know that all you do has great value, helps determine the quality of local government in the present, affects the direction of the future, and keeps a record of the past.”
Corinne Webb Geer, CMC, former clerk and past president of the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks