
Public Leadership

Which Course Is Right for Me?



Each course focuses on an area of leadership strategy that can be applied to your specific situations. These four focus areas can be applied to a specific challenge you or your team are facing, or layered on top of each other to develop a complete leadership experience.


Focus on YOU

Before you can lead others, you must know yourself. Courses with a focus on YOU determine your strengths and opportunities to develop as a leader. Many of these courses contain assessments and one-on-one coaching to help you create new skills and thought processes to lead in all aspects of your life.

If you are new to leadership training these courses will help you clarify what you value and how that influences the way you conduct yourself and lead others. 


Focus on your TEAM

Courses with a focus on your TEAM prepare you for working directly within a group. Dynamics can change when there are multiple stakeholders involved, and a true leader knows how to navigate these situations. Explore topics like facilitation, group decision-making and conflict management as you learn the skills needed build and sustain high functioning teams.


Focus on your ORGANIZATION

Any member of an organization can be a leader, regardless of your designated role. Course work that focuses on your ORGANIZATION can offer guidance for leading large-scale change processes. From strategic planning to dealing with the media, these courses have a focus on vision and implementation, and help you apply practical leadership skills when your organization needs them most.


Focus on your COMMUNITY

Courses with a focus on your COMMUNITY help you apply leadership skills across a range of perspectives. These courses teach strategies that help you work across boundaries, communicate with different groups, and collaborate with others to make a difference in the community around you.