Dean Wall announces new awards and professorships for 11 faculty members

Dean Aimee N. Wall announced several new awards and professorships for School of Government faculty in January 2025. Marking her first selection of these recipients during her tenure as dean, these honors recognize outstanding “quality, quantity, breadth, and depth of service rendered to the people of the State through the School.”

Read more about the award recipients and remarks by Wall about their contributions to the School and the state of North Carolina.


James E. Holshouser Distinguished Professorships

 honoring the former governor’s lifelong emphasis on effective local government and the economic improvement of North Carolina’s communities

Shea Riggsbee Denning

“Shea is an outstanding colleague, a tremendous asset to the School of Government, and a devoted servant to the state of North Carolina. She exemplifies the qualities of excellence that I aspire to as a faculty member, and I believe she sets a standard that all of us within the School should strive to reach.”

William C. Rivenbark

“Bill has been a leader in several important aspects of the School’s work. He teaches budgeting to public administration students with an understandable and engaging approach. No field of local government expertise is more important to our mission. Bill has arrived at a point in his career at the School where his presence is important to the development of the many newer faculty members who have joined.”  


Albert and Gladys Coates Distinguished Professorships 

Adam Lovelady

“Adam’s service to the School is unmatched by his colleagues.  I am most familiar with his stellar work leading the Law and Finance division. But I have also been extremely impressed with his contributions to the School’s opioid project and most recently by the initiative he’s demonstrated while organizing our Helene response. His enthusiasm and creativity are inspiring and have not flagged after several years in this leadership position.”

Kimberly L. Nelson 

“Kim is truly an engaged scholar, and throughout her academic career she has worked on real world applications of her research and teaching. She is also a widely recognized expert in governmental structure, public corruption, and innovation. She has played important roles as advisor and mentor to new managers and to graduate students, especially women, who aspire to a career in public service.”


Albert and Gladys Coates Term Professorships 

Whitney Afonso

“Whitney is an outstanding scholar, instructor, advisor and member of the School community. She is an effective and popular teacher among graduate students and government practitioners alike.  Her students appreciate the expertise, energy, preparation, and dedication she brings to the classroom in creating a positive learning experience." 

Melanie Crenshaw

“Melanie is an outstanding teacher and has quickly become a treasured resource among magistrates. She produces easily understood scholarship on important topics handled by magistrates (many of whom are not attorneys) such as eviction and small claims procedure. Melanie has also quickly become an important part of the fabric of the School.”

Timothy Heinle

“It is hard to overstate Timothy’s contributions to the School. He teaches multiple client groups and advises regularly on a wide range of topics relevant to civil defenders. He has consistently published blog posts and guides, winning the Margaret Taylor Award for his writing and the Performance Excellence award within his first couple of years at the School. He is an outstanding presenter, connecting with his audience in a personal, professional way that few of us can mimic.”

Diane M. Juffras 

“During the course of her 23-year career at the School of Government, Diane has excelled as a practical scholar in the field of public employment law—a field that touches all the School of Government’s client groups in one way or another. She has been a prolific publisher of books, bulletins, and blog posts that are thoroughly researched and accessible to readers, regardless of whether they are lawyers. She is a sought-after teacher with an engaging classroom presence and a clear and logical approach to her subject matter.” 

Amy Wade

“Amy started at the School as an adjunct instructor and her talent and impact was quickly recognized.  She has been integral in the success of the online modality of the MPA program.  Amy served as the Director of the Faculty Network; in this role she was instrumental in the identification, hiring, onboarding and training of adjunct faculty.  She continues to be the go-to person to consider instructional design elements and best practices.” 

Kristina Wilson 

“Kristina approaches her work with a positive and can-do attitude. She is loved and trusted by her clients and is collaborative with her colleagues. One example is her willingness to teach in other’s programs despite the large teaching load she is responsible for. The quality of her work is excellent, and she is extremely responsive to clients.”


Albert and Gladys Hall Coates Teaching Excellence Award

Christopher B. McLaughlin

“Chris consistently connects with audiences, keeping them engaged through interactive games, questions, and polls. He clearly puts a lot of care and preparation into his teaching. He is a good storyteller, relatable, and good at expressing his learning objectives in a way that gives clear purpose to his teaching.”