
Public Defense Education

Customized Local Training from the School of Government

The School of Government’s Public Defense Education team works to create quality, cost-effective education, including innovative training programs, manuals, and online resources. Keeping in line with this mission, the PDE team is now offering customized programming for North Carolina’s local and district bars and their members, primarily in the area of criminal law.


For a fee of $1500, we will provide up to 3.5 hours of customized program content, tailored to meet the interests and needs of each local or district bar. The program will be delivered online or in your district by School of Government faculty.


The School of Government is an accredited sponsor with the North Carolina State Bar. For an additional cost of $1300, the School will administer the CLE for your training program, obtain approval, and report attendance on your behalf. Participants will be responsible for paying all CLE state bar fees.


For more information please contact Monica Yelverton at myelverton@sog.unc.edu