What are the powers and duties of a consolidated human services board?
The powers and duties of a consolidated human services board come from multiple sources. G.S. 153A-77(d) gives the board the following powers and duties:
- Set fees for services based on recommendations of the human services director. Any fees related to public health services are subject to restrictions on the amount and scope that would apply if the fees were set by a county board of health.
- Assure compliance with laws related to state and federal programs administered by the CHSA.
- Recommend creation of local human services programs.
- Adopt local health rules and participate in appeals related to enforcement of those rules.
- Perform regulatory health functions required by state law.
- Act as coordinator or agent of the state when required by state or federal law.
- Plan and recommend a consolidated human services budget.
- Conduct audits and reviews of human services programs.
- Advise local officials through the county manager.
- Perform public relations and advocacy functions.
- Protect the public health to the extent required by law.
- Develop certain dispute resolution procedures for contractors, clients and public advocates.
In addition, the consolidated human services board has most of the powers and duties of a local board of health.[2] Specifically, it is charged with protecting and promoting public health in the county and may:
- Adopt local public health rules
- Impose fees for local public health services with the approval of the county commissioners (except when state law prohibits local fees)
- Adjudicate disputes about local health rules or the local imposition of administrative penalties (fines) for violations of public health laws
The board must also meet the benchmarks for boards of health in North Carolina’s local health department accreditation program.
Similarly, the board acquires many of the powers and duties of the county board of social services.[3]
A consolidated human services board differs from other boards of health (and from the board of social services) in that it lacks the authority to appoint the agency director. Additionally, while a consolidated human services board plans and recommends the agency budget, it is prohibited from transmitting or presenting the budget for local health programs.[4] A table comparing the powers and duties of consolidated human services boards with other local boards of health is available here.
[1]GS 153A-77(d).
[2]G.S. 130A-43(b).
[3] G.S. 108A-9, 108A-15.1.
[4]G.S. 130A-43.