In Prison: Serving a Felony Sentence In North Carolina - Pack of 10 Books

Wednesday, August 30, 2017
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In Prison Graphic Novel Cover Image

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This short graphic novel—some might say comic book—explains how a felony prison sentence is served in North Carolina. The book, sold in packs of 10, follows an inmate from the moment sentence is pronounced to the day post-release supervision is completed, explaining where and how the time will be served. It shows the types of work and programs in which an inmate might participate and what sort of sentence reduction can be expected from such participation. The book is intended primarily as a reference for citizens who engage with the criminal justice system (as crime victims, defendants, or their family and friends), to help translate the words and numbers on a criminal judgment into a practical explanation of how long a person is likely to be incarcerated.

Second issue—On Probation: Serving a Probationary Sentence in North Carolina

Publication date: 
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
James M. Markham
Page count: 