Performance Measurement and Management Listserv (ncperformance)

Listserv type:

The Performance Measurement and Management Listserv is a forum for people in local or state government who are interested in discussing how to measure performance but also how to manage performance.  While the practice of measuring performance has been around for some time, many still wrestle with how to measure performance, how to do it well, and how to go beyond just measurement.

Why should I subscribe to this mailing list? While the practice of measuring performance has been around for some time, many still wrestle with how to measure performance, how to do it well, and how to go beyond just measurement. What is the purpose? What practices make a difference? What works and what doesn't?

Who is the audience? The Performance Measurement and Management Listserv will be a forum for people in local or state government who are interested in discussing how to measure performance but also how to manage performance.

Public Officials - Local and State Government Roles
Topics - Local and State Government