
Anita Brown-Graham Rejoins School of Government Faculty

September 9, 2016

The School of Government is pleased to announce that Anita Brown-Graham has returned to the School as professor of public law and government.

School of Government Recognized by International Association of Assessing Officers

September 8, 2016

At the 2016 annual International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) conference in August, faculty member Kirk Boone accepted a Presidential Citation on behalf of the School of Government in honor of three former faculty members "in recognition of outstanding service and dedication to the International Association of Assessing Officers." The faculty members include

Frayda Bluestein Recognized by the North Carolina Association of Municipal Attorneys

August 30, 2016

In August 2016, faculty member Frayda Bluestein received the Earnest H. Ball Award for Excellence in Municipal Law from the North Carolina Association of Municipal Attorneys at the group's annual conference in Atlantic Beach.

Faculty Member James Drennan to be Presented with 2016 Karen Thorson Award

August 30, 2016

On September 26, at the annual conference of the National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE), School of Government faculty member James C. Drennan will be presented with the 2016 Karen Thorson Award.

Now Accepting Nominations for Teaching Excellence Award

August 22, 2016

The UNC School of Government, through the Teaching Development Committee, is soliciting nominations for the 2017-2019 Albert and Gladys Coates Term Professorship for Teaching Excellence. This term appointment honors a faculty member of the School of Government for excellence in teaching.

The School invites nominations from individuals or professional associations associated with state and local government who have attended School of Government courses. 

Faculty Member Jessica Smith Pens Op-Ed on Raising the Age of Juvenile Crime in NC

August 2, 2016

Faculty member Jessica Smith wrote an op-ed for the Greensboro News & Record on a proposal before the North Carolina Commission on the Administration of Law and Justice to raise the age of juvenile crimes to 18.

School Launches Podcast Exploring NC Court System

July 6, 2016

The School of Government has launched “Beyond the Bench,” an interview-based podcast about the North Carolina legal system. Guests on the show include judges, lawyers, professors, and citizens who have participated in court proceedings. Some interviews focus on guests’ personal experiences and opinions while others explore discrete legal issues. 

Leisha DeHart-Davis Selected as Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholar

June 21, 2016

Faculty member Leisha DeHart-Davis has been selected as a Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholar (FES), a distinction that will support her work on the Local Government Workplaces Project.

Faculty Member Whitney Afonso Selected for Top Publication Award

June 21, 2016

Faculty member Whitney Afonso has been recognized by Public Budgeting & Finance with its Jesse Burkhead Award. Her article, “Leviathan or Flypaper: Earmarked Local Sales Taxes for Transportation,” was selected as the journal’s top article in 2015.

Frayda Bluestein, Tom Ross Receive NC Bar Association Awards

May 23, 2016

In May, faculty member Frayda Bluestein received the Grainger Barrett Award for Excellence from the North Carolina Bar Association Government and Public Sector Section. This award honors outstanding North Carolina government or public sector attorneys for their excellence, dedication, and passion for justice. 

Local Government That Clicks

May 5, 2016

This article was first published in Public Management (PM) Magazine through the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) in Washington, DC. John B. Stephens. 2016. “Local Government That Clicks: Free Apps + Skilled Civic Tech Volunteers,” Public Management  98:4, 16-19.

Free Apps + Skilled Civic Tech Volunteers

by John Stephens

Hometown Police Chief Goes Back to School

April 26, 2016

Every September, the UNC School of Government hosts North Carolina’s public officials to help them learn about all of the functions of local government beyond their own specialties.
