
Knapp Library

Courts and Judicial Administration

FindLaw is a online source of legal information. Information feeds are available for FindLaw blogs, commentaries, news, and recent cases.

The LII is a not-for-profit group housed at the Cornell Law School that provides open access to legal materials. LII RSS feeds are provided for their blog and micro-blog as well as to recent court decisions and changes in the U.S. Code.

The NCSC is an independent, nonprofit court improvement organization for state judicial administrators. RSS feeds to their bulletins and blog are available for subscription. Various E-newsletters are also available.

Stateline is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news service of the Pew Center. Choose among RSS feeds organized by issue or state.

This website is maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.  RSS feeds are available for subscription covering news on the Federal Judiciary and Courts.

The USDOJ is the primary federal criminal investigation and enforcement agency. Their website provides information feeds for recent information and news organized by division, office, and topic.


Public Officials - Courts and Judicial Administration Roles
Topics - Courts and Judicial Administration