Knapp Library
Federal Government
Executive Branch
- The White House
- The Presidential Cabinet
- Executive Departments
- USA.Gov - The federal government's official web portal.
- Federal Times - A news and information service concerned with federal management issues.
- Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse - A service providing comprehensive, independent, and nonpartisan information about federal staffing, spending, and the enforcement activities.
Legislative Branch
- United States Senate
- United States House of Representatives
- Congressional Record
- Congressional Budget Office
- Government Accountability Office
- Congressional Research Service Reports and Issue Briefs
- THOMAS - This project of the Library of Congress tracks Congressional activity and contains information on bills, resolutions, committee reports, floor activity, schedules, and other Congressional information.
Judicial Branch
- Federal Judiciary Homepage
- United States Supreme Court
- Supreme Court Decisisions (1893-Present)
- Federal Judicial Center - The education and research agency for the federal courts.
- Law Library of Congress
Additional Resources
- Library of Congress
- GPO Access (Government Printing Office)
- National Technical Information Service - A Division of the Department of Commerce that facilitates public access to federal information.
- Chronology of U.S Historical Documents (Avalon Project from Yale Law)
Please send comments to Frank Alford
Public Officials - Local and State Government Roles
Topics - Local and State Government