
Juvenile Law

Blog Postings

On the Civil Side

The School of Government has several blogs. On the Civil Side is where the majority of blog posts discussing child welfare are published. You can find those posts by visiting our On the Civil Side blog and conducting a search in one of the following ways:

  1. category, such as "child welfare law" or "adoption";
  2. keyword, which you type in the search box; or
  3. author. The majority of the posts discussing child welfare issues are written by Sara DePasquale; however, other contributors writing about child welfare topics include Meredith Smith (Adoption, Intestate Succession Rights), Austine Long (Indigent Defense), and Cheryl Howell (Family, Civil Child Custody).

Other SOG Blogs

Child welfare issues may also be discussed on other School of Government blogs, including Coates' Canon: NC Government Law and North Carolina Criminal Law.

Some of the relevant posts published on those other blogs include:

You can search those blogs by keyword in order to find posts that are relevant to child welfare.

Public Officials - Local and State Government Roles
Topics - Local and State Government