
NC Magistrates

DWI Training for Magistrates 2010 Materials

Course Materials

Agenda: DWI Training for Magistrates, November 9 - 10, 2010
November, 2010
Final Agenda.pdf (pdf, 27.47 KB)
Magistrate Procedures for Ordering Civil License Revocations and the Seizure and Impoundment of Motor Vehicles
Shea Riggsbee Denning
November, 2010
Bulletin: Magistrate Procedures for Ordering Civil License Revocations and the Seizure and Impoundment of Motor Vehicles (Bulletin: Magistrate Procedures for Ordering Civil License Revocations and the Seizure and Impoundment of Motor Vehicles, 745.09 KB)
What's Knoll Got to Do with It? Procedures in Implied Consent Cases to Prevent Dismissals Under Knoll
Shea Riggsbee Denning
November, 2010
What's Knoll Got to Do with It?: Procedures in Implied Consent Cases to Prevent Dismissals Under Knoll (What's Knoll Got to Do with It?: Procedures in Implied Consent Cases to Prevent Dismissals Under Knoll, 601.93 KB)
Order Adopting Amendments to the North Carolina Code of Judicial Conduct
November, 2010