Listserv Title | Listserv Description | Member Login | Subscribe | Visit |
Adult Guardianship Guardian Ad Litem Listserv (Chapter 35A GAL Attorney) (adultgalattorney) |
This listserv is for guardian ad litem attorneys appointed in G.S. Chapter 35A adult guardianship proceedings across North Carolina. The purpose of the list is to give GAL attorneys better access to talk with one another. Participants ask questions, answer questions, share opinions and experiences, provide sample forms, and share other information of interest to the group. This forum is not for clerks of superior court or county department of social services staff and attorneys. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
If you need to change your e-mail address:
Please contact Timothy Heinle ( for more information. Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: You can login to search the archives of prior discussions. The archive is available for up to 365 days. |
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Business License Tax (BusLic) |
The Business License Tax listserv (BusLic) is devoted to the exchange of information among local government privilege license tax officials in North Carolina who, have common concerns, questions and interests. The mailing list server utilizes email to send each member of the list copies of each item of correspondence. Every question, answer, and comment is sent to each member of the list via email to read and, possibly, to comment further via another email. Note that these emails are likely subject to disclosure under state public records law. Subscription Information: |
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Candidates Club ( cclub ) |
The listserv cclub offers a platform for North Carolina Candidates Club members to discuss property tax certifications and IAAO designations. |
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City and County Managers (ccmanagers) |
The listserv ccmanagers offers a platform for city and county managers to discuss issues that arise in their day-to-day professional environment. It is open to all city and county managers in North Carolina. This listserv is inactive |
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Clerks of Superior Court Electronic Mailing List |
Why should I subscribe to this mailing list? This mailing list will be used to distribute publications to you via e-mail from the School of Government. Publication topics include adoption, adult guardianship, attachment, bankruptcy, claim and delivery, estate administration, foreclosure, judgments, the office of the clerk, partition, supplemental proceedings, and trusts, among others. This mailing list is for distribution purposes only and will not permit subscribers to enter into discussions with one another. Who is the audience? This mailing list is open to anyone interested in the subject areas where clerks of court exercise judicial authority. Subscribers include elected clerks, assistant clerks, deputy clerks, judges, county attorneys, and other public officials as well as private practitioners. How do I sign up? Click the subscribe button to be added to the electronic mailing list. |
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Clerks of Superior Court Electronic Mailing List (superiorcourtclerks) |
Why should I subscribe to this mailing list? This mailing list will be used to distribute publications to you via e-mail from the School of Government. Publication topics include adoption, adult guardianship, attachment, bankruptcy, claim and delivery, estate administration, foreclosure, judgments, the office of the clerk, partition, supplemental proceedings, and trusts, among others. This mailing list is for distribution purposes only and will not permit subscribers to enter into discussions with one another. Who is the audience? This mailing list is open to anyone interested in the subject areas where clerks of court exercise judicial authority. Subscribers include elected clerks, assistant clerks, deputy clerks, judges, county attorneys, and other public officials as well as private practitioners. How do I sign up? Click the subscribe button to be added to the electronic mailing list. |
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Community Development (nccomdev) |
Talk to your colleagues around the state through the School of Government’s listserv application. Interested in networking and exchanging ideas with community and economic development practitioners from around the state? Want an opportunity to learn about what your colleagues are doing to strengthen their local economies and maintain vibrant communities? Then subscribe to the Community Development and/or Economic Development Listservs. If you subscribe to the Community Development listserv, you can communicate through e-mail with other subscribing members. The listserv is unmoderated—no one approves the messages before they are sent out to members. Use this address to send a message to the listserv: Questions regarding the nccomdev listserv should be sent to Marcia Perritt. |
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Construction Management Listserv (constrmgmt) |
A forum to discuss issues faced by those who manage contruction projects for government entities. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Gary Key for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: (link sends e-mail). |
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Criminal Law Listserv (iogcriminal) |
Subscribers will receive case summaries of NC and US S.Ct. criminal cases as well as alerts regarding new NC criminal legislation. Notice is sent to each subscriber by e-mail. Subscription Information This list is open to any interested person and is offered free of charge. You can be added to this mailing list by completing the field below and clicking subscribe. If you have questions, please contact Shea Denning. |
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Diversity and Inclusion (divinc) |
This listserv seeks to foster information exchange around the issues of diversity and inclusion in public organizations, and, in particular, NC local government organizations. |
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Economic Development (ncecondev) |
Talk to your colleagues around the state through the School of Government’s listserv application. Interested in networking and exchanging ideas with community and economic development practitioners from around the state? Want an opportunity to learn about what your colleagues are doing to strengthen their local economies and maintain vibrant communities? Then subscribe to the Community Development and/or Economic Development Listservs. If you subscribe to the Economic Development listserv, you can communicate through e-mail with other subscribing members. The listserv is unmoderated—no one approves the messages before they are sent out to members. Use this address to send a message to the listserv: Questions regarding the ncecondev listserv should be sent to Marcia Perritt. |
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Email List to Receive Notifications of Updates to Judges' Web Page (updatestojudgeswebpage) |
Sign up for this mailing list to receive notifications of new postings to the NC Superior Court Judges site. |
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Emergency Management Listserv (ncem) |
This listserv connects state and local government emergency managers in North Carolina to communicate with each other about issues generally affecting emergency management. It is open to all state and local government emergency management personnel and government officials involved in emergency management. This listserv does not replace the WebEOC emergency management communications system. |
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Finance Officers and Directors (ncfinanceconnect) | Subscribe | Visit | ||
Geographic Information Systems (ncgis) |
A discussion forum for users of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Please view the archives to see if this listserv is right for you. Click Subscribe to add youself to the listserv. Contact the School of Government's Listserv Manager for more information or technical help at: |
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Guardian ad Litem Attorneys (galatty) |
The list is for Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program Attorney Advocates and is a forum for GAL Attorney Advocates appointed under G.S. 7B-601 to discuss legal issues related to best interest representation. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Reginald O'Rourke for more information at: mailto:Reginald.D.O' Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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Human Resources and Personnel (humanresources) |
Do you want to keep up with the latest developments in employment law? Are you interested in how your colleagues might deal with a sticky personnel issue? Do you want to be among the first to know about course offerings in this field? If you've answered "yes" to any of these questions, consider subscribing to the Human Resources Listserv. The listserv was established to allow human resources professionals to communicate with and learn from one another and is open to all North Carolina state and local government employees. We hope that it will facilitate discussion among those with similar questions, concerns, and interests. The listserv is also a useful tool for keeping abreast of the latest developments in this ever-changing field. |
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Local Government Budget Association (nclgba) |
The North Carolina Local Government Budget Association (NCLGBA) promotes the budgeting profession through education, networking, and advocacy. A major part of carrying out this mission is daily networking via the association’s listserv, which is managed by the School of Government to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and advancing professionalism. The listserv is used by budget officials across the state to ask questions, to solicit best practices, and to advertise positions. The listserv also is used to promote the annual conferences of the association. |
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Local Government Information Systems Associations (nclgisa) |
The NCLGISA is open to anyone who works for local government IT in NC. It is an open forum for subscribers to discuss IT-related issues and solutions. To join the list, go to, and click Become A Member on the homepage. From the same site it is possible to “visit” earlier listserv messages by clicking ListServ on the homepage. This is a two-way listserv that encourages discussion among members. A message sent using “reply” will go to all subscribers. This is peer-to-peer networking at its finest. Questions about the listserv should be directed to Shannon Tufts at |
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Local Government Lawyers (lglawyers) |
The LGLawyers listserv is an email communication forum primarily intended for attorneys who represent North Carolina local governments. The list administrator will also approve membership for attorneys who regularly advise local governments, or who teach local government law (such as university faculty members, legislative or state agency attorneys, or attorneys employed by the N.C. League of Municipalities and the N.C. Association of County Commissioners). Archived posts are public records and may be viewed by anyone here, by clicking on the “visit” link. Commercial advertisements are not permitted. Joining and Participating in the Listserv Please remember the following about the listserv: Posts are a public record (here and in the email boxes of all recipients and senders). |
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Local Government Real Estate Professionals Listserv (lgre) |
The LGRE listserv will act as a forum to enable Local Government Real Estate professionals to talk with colleagues across the State. Discussions will include questions and issues faced in the acquisition, disposition, leasing, and asset management of publicly-owned property. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact David Fleischer for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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Minority Business Equal Opportunity Practitioners (minoritybusinesspractitioners) |
This listserv is hosted by the UNC School of Government in collaboration with the NC MWBE Coordinators’ Network to encourage the sharing of information and best practices amongst those involved in the development, administration, and success of public sector equal business opportunity programs. We are also here to serve as a resource for private sector supplier diversity professionals who are required to comply with public sector policies. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways: For more information, please email Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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Munis Users (ncmunis) |
List for NC Local Government Users of Munis Software. |
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NC Cityworks Listserv (nccityworks) |
The nccityworks listserv serves GIS and asset management professionals who use the Cityworks GIS platform for asset management and citizen engagement. Discussion topics would include but not be limited to: GIS data and methods, using the ISO 55000 standards for asset management, calculating probability of failure and consequence of failure on utilities and other city owned assets. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
For more information contact Jay Beadnell at: or Shannon Tufts at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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NC Local Government Investment Association (nclgia) |
Listserv for members of the North Carolina Local Government Investment Association. For more information about this organization go here: Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Greg Allison for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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NC Preservation Listserv (ncpres) |
The NCPRES listserv offers a platform for discussion amongst those who work in or are interested in the area of historic preservation. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Ramona Bartos for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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NC Property Mappers Association (ncpma) |
From The North Carolina Property Mappers Association was formed in October of 1980 to help the needs of state and local government officials whose work involves mapping and land records management without regard to the unit of government or department in which such persons perform their duties. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Rich Elkins for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: (link sends e-mail). |
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NC Public Risk Management Association (ncprima) |
From The North Carolina Public Risk Management Association (NC PRIMA) was founded in 1988 to serve public sector risk management and safety professionals throughout the state. We provide education, training, professional development, publications, and networking partnerships for our members through quarterly meetings and an annual conference. NC PRIMA members administer risk management, safety and insurance issues for local and state government entities. Our mission is to promote the risk management profession through the provision of necessary tools, and educational and networking opportunities which help build and improve an organization’s risk management programs. Our membership includes town/city/county governments, public utilities, local school districts, community colleges, housing authority, and various risk control and risk financing sponsors. As a chapter of the Public Risk Management Association, we strive to help members develop internal policies to lower losses and maximize public funds and other resources through educational and networking opportunities. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Angie Whitley for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: (link sends e-mail). |
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NC Superior Court Clerks (superiorcourtclerks) |
The mailing list will be used to distribute publications via e-mail from the School of Government. Publication topics include adoption, adult guardianship, attachment, bankruptcy, claim and delivery, estate administration, foreclosure, judgments, the office of the clerk, partition, supplemental proceedings, and trusts, among others. This mailing list is for distribution purposes only and will not permit subscribers to enter into discussions with one another. The mailing list is open to anyone interested in the subject areas where clerks of court exercise judicial authority. Subscribers include elected clerks, assistant clerks, deputy clerks, judges, county attorneys, and other public officials as well as private practitioners. Membership is open. Comments are moderated. There is no discussion forum. |
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NC Water listserv (ncwater) |
For drinking water and wastewater utilities management and operations (general managers, finance directors, customer service, operations, purchasing, etc.), technical assistance providers and funding agencies. |
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Nonprofits and Local Government (nplg) |
The listserv is a function of the Public Intersection website, which is a central point of communication for achieving the goal of assisting governments, nonprofits, businesses, faith-based organizations, and philanthropies in recognizing shared concerns and philanthropies in recognizing shared concerns and acting as partners to solve public problems and create public value. |
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North Carolina Animal Control Law Listserv (ncacl) |
Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
If you need to change your e-mail address:
Please contact Aimee Wall for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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North Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals (ncaeop) |
Listserv for members of the North Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals. For more information about this organization go here: Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. This listerv will used for information dissemination only. This is not a discussion forum. Please contact Al Meyers for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: (link sends e-mail). |
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North Carolina City Clerks (clerks) |
The clerks listserv promotes communication among city and county clerks on matters of common interest. Clerks can use it to express concerns to or ask questions of their peers. If you subscribe, you can send e-mail messages to all other subscribing members, and you will receive copies of any messages sent by other subscribing members. You may reply to a posting either by sending an e-mail to the list or solely to the sender. Click the subscribe button above to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. Once approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. To do so, send an email to (link sends e-mail) with the subject line "unsubscribe clerks" without the quotation marks. |
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North Carolina Code Listserv (nccode) |
Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways: Please contact Adam Lovelady for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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North Carolina County Clerks (countyclerks) |
The county clerks listserv promotes communication among clerks to county boards of commissioners on matters of common interest. County clerks can use it to express concerns to or ask questions of their peers. If you subscribe, you can send e-mail messages to all other subscribing members, and you will receive copies of any messages sent by other subscribing members. You may reply to a posting either by sending an e-mail to the list or solely to the sender. |
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North Carolina Flood Plain listserv (ncfloodplain) |
A forum to discuss flood plain issues in North Carolina |
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North Carolina Government Purchasers Listserv (ncgovpurchasers) |
Stay connected to North Carolina procurement news and updates! Join the ncgovpurchasers Listserv. Please note: This Listserv is exclusive to North Carolina state agency, university, community college, public school and local government employees. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Brianna Hayes for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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North Carolina Permitting Listserv (ncpermits) |
Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways: |
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North Carolina URISA Addressing (carolinaurisaaddressing) |
A discussion forum for URISA Addressing Coordinators, Administrators and others interested in this topic. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways:
Please contact Carolina URISA Addressing SIG for more information at: Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for more information or technical assistance at: |
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North Carolina Vehicle Tax System (ncvts) |
This listserv provides a forum for questions and information to those who use and administer the North Carolina Vehicle Tax System. It serves Local and State Government users and administrators of the NCVTS. Membership is open. Click Subscribe above to join. A listserv member can send a message to the list two in different ways:
If you need to change your e-mail address:
For information about the list, please contact Kirk Boone. For technical assistance please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager at |
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North Carolina Zoning Officials (ncazo) |
The NC Zoning Officials listserv (NCAZO) is devoted to the exchange of information among zoning officers in North Carolina who have common concerns, questions and interests. Requests for information, passing along articles and sites to explore, and other information exchange are welcome. Commercial advertising and posts unrelated to administration and enforcement of development regulations are not allowed. The NCAZO list is open and unmoderated. No one approves the messages before they are sent out to members, but messages that are not consistent with the list purposes may be removed and a member who violates list rules may be unsubscribed. Participation is open to anyone, although the focus of the discussion and most of the participants are zoning administrators and zoning enforcement officers working in the state of North Carolina. Those making posts and responding to posts are also encouraged to remember that your postings to the list go to all members. Please use individual messages and responses when you have a personal message to send. Also, all posts to the list are considered to be public records under state law and are thus open to public inspection. Click subscribe to be added to the electronic mailing list. Your request will be transmitted to a list administrator who will review the request. If your request is approved, you will begin receiving messages from the list. A listserv member can send a message to the list two different ways: For more information, please email David Owens at Please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager for technical assistance at: |
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Opioid Response Project |
Talk to your colleagues around the state through the School of Government’s listserv application. Interested in networking and exchanging ideas with practitioners from around the state working to mitigate the opioid epidemic? Then subscribe to the Opioid Response Listserv. If you subscribe to the Opioid Response listserv, you can communicate through e-mail with other subscribing members. The listserv is unmoderated—no one approves the messages before they are sent out to members. Use this address to send a message to the listserv: |
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Performance Measurement and Management Listserv (ncperformance) |
The Performance Measurement and Management Listserv is a forum for people in local or state government who are interested in discussing how to measure performance but also how to manage performance. While the practice of measuring performance has been around for some time, many still wrestle with how to measure performance, how to do it well, and how to go beyond just measurement. Why should I subscribe to this mailing list? While the practice of measuring performance has been around for some time, many still wrestle with how to measure performance, how to do it well, and how to go beyond just measurement. What is the purpose? What practices make a difference? What works and what doesn't? Who is the audience? The Performance Measurement and Management Listserv will be a forum for people in local or state government who are interested in discussing how to measure performance but also how to manage performance. |
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Planners and Planning Departments (ncplan) |
The NC Planning listserv allows planners to communicate through e-mail. There are over 1,300 subscribers on on this electronic mailing list. If you subscribe, you can send e-mail messages to all other subscribing members, and you will receive copies of any messages sent by other subscribing members. The NC PLAN list is open and unmoderated. No one approves the messages before they are sent out to members. Participation is open to anyone, although the focus of the discussion and most of the participants are professional planners working in the state of North Carolina. Free, full, unedited, unexpurgated exchange of ideas is a central feature of this list. All ideas, questions, and comments are welcome, even when they are divergent from the mainstream. Requests for information, passing along articles and sites to explore, and other information exchange are also welcome and are likewise a critical function for the group. Those making posts and responding to posts are also encouraged to remember that your postings to the list go to all members (now over 1,300 active subscribers). Please use individual messages and responses when you have a personal message to send. Also note that postings that violate SOG listserve policies are subject to removal and posters who violate those policies (summarized below) are subject to removal from the list. To search past posts, click the "View archives" button at the top of this page. This links to past posts to the NCPlan list. That page also has a search function that allows you to use key words to find posts on a particular topic. Posts that are inappropriate for this list include: |
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Property Tax Assessors and Administrators (ptax) |
The Property Tax Mailing list (PTAX) is devoted to the exchange of information among property tax assessors and collectors in North Carolina who, have common concerns, questions and interests. The mailing list server utilizes email to send each member of the list copies of each item of correspondence. Every question, answer, and comment is sent to each member of the list via email to read and, possibly, to comment further via another email. A listserv member can send a message to the list two in different ways:
If you need to change your e-mail address:
For information about the list, please contact Kirk Boone. For technical assistance please contact the School of Government Listserv Manager at |
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Public Information Officers (ncpio) |
The Public Information Officers listserv is open to all local government communications professionals. Our subscribers use NCPIO to talk about topics like: innovative ideas for presenting information, website redesign, social media archiving, how to deal with various ordinances and policies, and much more. Contributions are posted immediately, and without a moderator’s approval. Questions about the listserv should be directed to Stacie Galloway, listserv administrator at |
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Purchasing Agents (ncpurchasing) |
Talk to your colleagues around the state through the School of Government's purchasing listserv. Need specifications? Looking to buy or sell surplus property? Trying to locate suppliers for an upcoming bid? Facing a problem and trying to avoid reinventing the wheel? If you subscribe to the purchasing listserv, you can communicate through email with other subscribing members. The listserv is unmoderated, meaning that no one approves messages before they are sent out to members. If you want to unsubscribe from the listserv or change your associated email address, please send an email request to |
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Recent NC Court Decisions: Juvenile Law (sogjuvenile) |
The Juvenile Law Listserv is open to anyone who wants to join. It distributes summaries of recent appellate court decisions, legislative updates, and occasional announcements relating to juvenile law. |
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Social Services Attorneys Listserv (dssattorneylist) |
This listserv was created to give social services attorneys across the state better access to talk with one another. Participants ask questions, answer questions, share opinions and experiences, provide sample forms, and share other information of interest to the group. New social services attorneys should also contact the Secretary of the Social Services Attorneys' Association to be added to the roster (which is separate from the dssattorney listserv):
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Social Services Paralegal Listserv (dssparalegal) |
This listserv was created to give social services paralegals across the state better access to each other. Paralegals will be able to exchange knowledge among their peers. People ask questions, answer questions, share opinions and experiences, provide sample forms, and share other information of interest to the group.
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Stormwater Programs (stormwater) |
What is this listserv (stormwater) specifically for? Who is it for? Is this listserv moderated? How can I post a message to the listserv? What information can/cannot be shared on the listserv? Since the listserv is hosted and managed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a public institution, all listservs are open to be viewed by any visitor. Anything you post to the listserv is considered a public document and can be viewed by the public at Commercial advertising, junk mail and political endorsements should NOT be posted to this listserv. In the unlikely event a member fails to observe these standards, they are subject to be removed from the listserv. Those making posts and responding to posts are also encouraged to remember that your postings to the list go to all members, and are viewable by the public. Consider sending an individual message when you have a personal message to send. How can I search archived messages? |
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