UPDATED TO: 8/18/17

The 2017 session of the North Carolina General Assembly convened for an organizational session on January 11, 2017 and began regular sessions on January 25.  The session adjourned on June 30. The legislature will return in August and in the fall to consider bills vetoed by the Governor, concurrence in bills adopted, conference reports, appointments, redistricting, and other specified topics. The regular short session to address budget adjustments and bills passed by one house in 2017 will convene on May 16, 2018.

The following is a list of bills related to planning, land use regulation, environment, transportation, and similar matters addressed in 2017. Where substantially similar or identical bills were filed in both houses and only one was adopted or passed the house of introduction, only that bill is listed.

Bills (other than those affecting revenues and appropriations) had to pass the house of introduction by April 27, 2017 for further consideration in 2018.

House bills are listed first, followed by Senate bills. The last action taken in each house is indicated. For bills that have become law, a session law chapter number is included in the last column. Abbreviations used in the table are:

  • "Comm. fav." indicates the bill has been reported out of a committee with a favorable recommendation, but no floor action was taken.
  • "Passed" indicates the bill passed third reading in the indicated house.
  • "Conf." indicates a conference committee has been appointed to reconcile differences in House and Senate versions of adopted bills.
  • "Ratif." indicates final General Assembly approval, pending action by Governor

Quick links to the bill texts are provided for some bills. Clicking on the underlined Bill Numbers in the far left column will take you to the General Assembly's detailed information on that bill (including sponsors, bill history, and votes). That site also has a link for the latest text of the bill. Clicking on the underlined Session Law numbers in the far right column will take you to a copy of the bill as enacted. Copies of the texts of all bills, and a detailed legislative history for each bill, can be obtained through the General Assembly's Bill Information web site.


Title/Short DescriptionHouse ActionSenate ActionSession Law
H. 3Amend state constitution to limit use of eminent domain to acquisitions for public purposesPassed  
H. 10Add statutory limits on use of eminent domain   
H. 25Allow planning board to hold hearing and make final decision on zoning map amendments, with appeals to governing board, applicable only in Randolph County and its municipalitiesPassed Passed S.L. 2017-19
H. 31Inclusion of property in unfunded transportation plan is not a material fact that must be disclosed in real estate transactionComm. fav.  
H. 56Amend environmental laws, including land use restrictions on underground storage tanksPassedPassedConf.
H. 89Allow cities to transfer housing authority functions to COGPassedPassed S.L. 2017-178
H. 92Establish blue ribbon committee on transportation infrastructure fundingPassed  
H. 109Annex specified area into Fayetteville   
H. 111Allow Winston-Salem to recover costs on publication in housing code enforcement cases PassedPassedS.L. 2017-20
H. 141Allow cities and counties to require bonds for road maintenance prior to DOT acceptance into state system   
H. 158Allow cities and counties to use of private funds and special assessments for critical infrastructure, clarify use of subdivision performance guaranteesPassedPassedS.L. 2017-40
H. 173Amend various provisions on outdoor advertising, including: increase state permit fees; revise compensation required for billboard removal; limit zoning enforcement and appeals regarding billboard relocation; liberalize permitted vegetative clearing   
H. 205Revise definitions and requirements for newspapers publishing public notices; allow Guilford County and its municipalities to substitute electronic for published notices of hearingsPassedPassedVetoed
H. 219Establish transportation megaproject fund   
H. 232Provide additional Main Street funding for poor counties   
H. 244Revise public participation requirements for solid waste composting permits, set minimum 500-foot buffer from sensitive usesPassed  
H. 252Revise provisions of building code statute, including local governments preempted from requiring inspections on one and two family dwellings beyond state requirements; limit need for architect or engineer certification if manufacturer has certified components; require annual informal internal review of inspection decisions PassedPassedS.L. 2017-130
H. 261Allow special property tax rates for property zoned and used for residential purposes and later zoned for nonresidential use   
H. 264Limit present use value taxation for property occupied by solar farm   
H. 271Repeal plastic bags ban on Outer Banks areas   
H. 275Exempt runway and taxiway areas from stormwater utility feesPassedPassedS.L. 2017-132
H. 292Disapprove rules on  Cape Fear reclassification and water quality management plan   
H. 310Revise provisions for regulation of wireless technology; limit local regulation of small  wireless facilities Passed PassedS.L. 2017-159
H. 319Study solar facility de-commissioning requirementsPassed  
H. 349Allow Currituck County, with NCDOT agreement, to use developer funds to construct roads to connect subdivisionsPassedPassedS.L. 2017-49
H. 374Various reforms, including extension of life of septic tank permits, revise stormwater rules by local governmentsComm. fav.  
H. 376Authorize use of funds received to be used as collateral for subdivision performance guaranteesPassed  
H. 397Deannex area from Carolina Shores; allow county participation in Wilmington downtown development projectPassedPassedS.L. 2017-86
H. 405Require homebuilders who are refunded impact fees imposed without authority to reimburse homeowners who paid any portion of the fees as part of purchase price of home   
H. 406Repeal Orange County authority to impose impact feesPassed Passed S.L 2017-36
H. 423Provide checkoff for income tax donations for protection of land, water, and natural resources -- Conservation Grant Fund   
H. 432Revise standards for publication of legal ads, including allowing electronic notices   
H. 436Provide for uniform system of development fees for capital improvements for water and sewer service; set three year statute of limitations for recovery of past unlawful feesPassedPassedS.L. 2017-138
H. 442Abolish municipal extraterritorial planning and development regulation jurisdiction as of 1/1/18   
H. 454Revise survey and map requirements for platsPassedPassedS.L. 2017-27
H. 457Revise provisions for county subdivision performance guarantees for streetsPassed  
H. 467Clarify damages available for private nuisance actions regarding agriculture and forestry operationsPassedPassedS.L. 2017-11
H. 470Substantially revise permitting for commercial wind energy facilities   
H. 507Modify provisions on permit choice rule when development regulations are amended; modify statutory vested rights; prohibit third party rezonings; revise provisions on judicial review of quasi-judicial zoning decisions; limit estoppel defense if conditions challenged; expand recovery of attorney fees; modify subdivision performance guarantee provisions; limit permit denials where there is inadequate infrastructure; limit building inspections; limit requirements for right of way acquisitionPassed  
H. 509Allow Davidson County to allow planning board to hear and decide rezonings, with appeal to board of commissionersPassedComm. fav. 
H. 528Set time periods for DOT review of traffic impact analysis and decisions on driveway permitsPassed  
H. 530Modify county authority regarding condemnation of unsafe buildingsPassedPassedS.L. 2017-109
H. 557Revise mitigation program   
H. 561Authorize sanitary districts to impose impact fees for maintenance and future system expansion   
H. 572Internet publication of legal notices   
H. 573Allow cities to apply to court for receiver to rehab, demolish, or sell vacant building if owner refuses to comply with order to do so   
H. 574Revise permitting for commercial wind energy, enhance military coordinationComm. fav.  
H. 578Modify standards for selective vegetation removal for billboards   
H. 579Revise just compensation standards for removal of billboardsComm. fav.  
H. 580Allow additional relocation and reconstruction of billboards Comm. fav.  
H. 581Modify regulations and fees for billboards, including defining unzoned commercial and industrial areas, delete billboard maintenance limits, revise rules for billboard removal on all roads, revise provisions on modernization and relocation of billboards and vegetation removal, limit amortization of nonconforming billboardsFailed  
H. 589Comprehensive energy reforms, including provisions for decommissioning solar facilities, moratorium on wind facility permits until 12/31/20PassedPassed S.L. 2017-192
H. 602Allow cities to require performance guarantees when industrial property is demolishedComm. fav.  
H. 622Periodic inspects for housing in low-population cities   
H. 626Allow zoning regulation of large-scale poultry farms   
H. 632Amend environmental mitigation requirementsPassed  
H. 637Clarify funding for regional water and sewer infrastructure funding PassedPassedS.L. 2017-17
H. 642Establish rebuttable presumption of proper use of land in zoning, establish clear and convincing evidence rule in quasi-judicial zoning proceedings   
H. 668Clarify that cities can enforce state laws on political signs on state roads within the cityPassed  
H. 687Amend coal ash regulations   
H. 718Study provision of water, sewer, public enterprises and fees and funding for itComm. fav.  
H. 721Limit purchase of coal mined by "mountain-top removal"   
H. 722Phase out hog lagoons   
H. 794Modifications for permitting efficiencies Passed  
H. 905Reenact conservation tax credit   
H. 911Create private sector affordable housing program   
S. 6Annex specified parcels to CorneliusPassedPassedS.L. 2017-70
S. 16Regulatory reform bill, includes provisions on stromwater rules for redevelopment projects, study of sedimentation control programsPassedPassedVetoed
S. 35Add statutory limits on use of eminent domain   
S. 92Allow cities and counties to require bonds for road maintenance prior to DOT acceptance into state system Comm. fav. 
S. 103Annex specified area into Fayetteville   
S. 105Annex specified area to Fairmont, extend Troutman ETJ, deannex area from GarnerPassed PassedS.L. 2017-76
S. 107Facilitate removal of obsolete damsPassedPassedS.L. 2017-145
S. 122Repeal charter for CentervillePassedPassed S.L. 2017-43
S. 131Regulatory reform for various environmental and local development regulation statutes, including: exclude landscaped walk and bikeways from "built upon" area; revise CRC rules on temporary erosion control structures update erosion rates near terminal groins; relax numerous reporting requirements; revise requirement for plan consistency statements for zoning amendments; define comprehensive plan to include UDO; revise subdivision exemptions; set various statutes of limitations for zoning enforcement actions; DEQ study riparian buffersPassedPassedS.L. 2017-10
S. 156Modify provisions re plumbing contractorsPassedPassed S.L. 2017-15
S. 219Annex property into Indian Beach, specifies zoning for area,  and declare all structures to be conforming to town zoningPassedPassedS.L. 2017-51
S. 257Budget for 2017-19 PassedPassedS.L. 2017-57
S. 260Wake Forest annexationPassedPassedS.L. 2017-47
S. 261Deannex specified area from KannapolisPassedPassedS.L. 2017-84
S. 266Annex specified area into Durham and WalkertownPassedPassedS.L. 2017-80
S. 268Allow city stormwater programs to include flood reduction techniques on private property   
S. 279Reduce property tax exclusion for solar energy facilities   
S. 289Deannex specified area from Sunset Beach and KinstonPassedPassedS.L. 2017-85
S. 292Decriminalize violations of city and county ordinancesComm. fav.Passed 
S. 296Process for road improvements near schools   
S. 300Allow inclusionary zoning in Durham city and county   
S. 343Revise standards for newspaper and electronic publication of hearing notices Comm. fav.Passed 
S. 366Substantially revise permitting for commercial wind energy facilities   
S. 372Revise survey and map requirements for plats   
S. 373Revise provisions for county subdivision performance guarantees for streets   
S. 406 Limit sweepstakes machines to four per location   
S. 419Consolidate and reorganize statutes on planning and development regulation (160D proposal) Passed 
S. 434Amend various environmental laws, including repeal plastic bag ban on Outer Banks; local riparian buffer limits Passed 
S. 435Revise provisions for publication of legal notices   
S. 460Clarify damages available for private nuisance actions regarding agriculture and forestry operations   
S. 469Amend environmental laws, including standards for septic tanksComm. fav.Passed 
S. 533Move mitigation program from DEQ to DOT, modify mitigation requirements   
S. 539Limit local government use of eminent domain to public uses, repeal ban on plastic bags on Outer Banks   
S. 555Authorize sanitary districts to impose impact fees for maintenance and future system expansion   
S. 557Establish process for municipal annexation of enclaves   
S. 611Revise mitigation program   
S. 615Revise laws affecting agriculture, including eliminate authority of counties to apply zoning to large scale hog farms, clarify agritourism exemption, clarify that only nonresidential buildings are exempt from building code Passed PassedS.L. 2017-108
S. 642Provide for de novo review of board of adjustment decisions and change burden of proof to clear and convincing evidence   




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