Planning and Development Regulation
Reports on Surveys of North Carolina Zoning Practices
The School of Government periodically surveys all cities and counties in North Carolina regarding their experience with varies zoning and other land development regulations. Surveys are sent to all local governments and reports on the result, which usually include both legal analysis and survey results, are published. Information on the surveys and links to the various reports based on them are set out below. Click the highlighted report for the online edition of the report. Each linked report is available for free viewing or download (and print copies are available from the SOG Publications office). The survey reports are listed below with the most recent reports at the top of the list.
Adminstration of Development Regulations, Conditional Zoning, and Subdivision Administration
In 2018, the School of Government completed a survey of cities and counties in North Carolina on the adoption and administration of local development regulations. This report provides a detailed summary of the survey results, noting trends in local governments' use of conditional zoning, special use permits, zoning variances, development moratoria, and form-based codes. It includes application levels and approval rates for various types of development approvals. It also incorporates more detailed information on both conditional zoning and subdivision plat reviews.
The report is 2018 Survey Report: Adoption and Administration of Local Development Regulations, Conditional Zoning, and Subdivision Administration (Dec. 2020)
Plan Consistency Statements
The School of Government conducted a survey of all North Carolina local governments in 2017-18. This report reviews the law on consistency of zoning with adopted plans and reports on how N.C. cities and counties have implemented the 2005 statutory requirement to prepare and approve a plan consistency statemetn whn considering any zoning amendment.
The report is Plan Consistency Statemetns (Nov. 2018)
Zoning Adoption, Administration, Design Standards, and Alternative Energy Facilities
The School of Government in 2011-12 updated the identification of all cities and counties in North Carolina that have adopted zoning. All of these jurisdictions were surveyed to assess their experience with municipal extraterritorial jurisdiction, application volumes, permit fees and permit processing times. The survey also gathered information on local regulations on design standards and treatment of residential and commercial scale wind and solar energy facilities.
The report is 2012 Zoning Survey Report: Zoning Adoption, Administration, and Provisions for Design Standards and Alternative Energy Facilities (July 2012).
Development Moratoria
The School of Government conducted a survey in 2008-09 of all North Carolina local governments regarding their use of development moratoria. The report reviews the law on use of development moratoria and summaries the experience with use of the tool (with a focus on moratoria adopted or extended after the state adopted a statute on this in 2005).
The report is Development Moratoria in North Carolina (Special Series No. 26, December 2009, view-only PDF available, and hard copy format available for purchase.)
Development Agreements
The School of Government conducted a survey in 2008-09 of all North Carolina local governments regarding their use of development agreements, a tool initially authorized for use in the state by the General Assembly in 2005. The report reviews the law on use of development agreements, summaries the experience with use of the tool, and has brief case studies of three adopted agreements (with links to complete copies of those agreements).
The report is The Use of Development Agreements to Manage Large-Scale Development: The Law and Practice in North Carolina (Special Series No. 25, October 2009, view-only PDF available
Zoning Amendments
The School of Government conducted a survey in 2006-07 of all North Carolina local governments regarding the number and nature of text and map amendments to zoning ordinances and their experience with hearings, public comments, decisions made, plan consistency, and other aspects of the amendment process.
The report is Zoning Amendments in North Carolina (Special Series No. 24, February 2008).
Zoning Districts
The School of Government conducted a survey in 2006-07 of all North Carolina local governments regarding the number and nature of their zoning districts, their experience with design standards, and the treatment of traditional neighborhood design.
The report is An Overview of Zoning Districts, Design Standards, and Traditional neighborhood Design in North Carolina Zoning Ordinances (Special Series No. 23, October 2007).
Special and Conditional Use Permits
The School of Government conducted a survey of all North Carolina local governments regarding their experience with special and conditional use permits. This survey was conducted in 2004-05.
The project report is Special Use Permits in North Carolina Zoning (Special Series No. 22, April 2007).
Inventory of Ordinances Adopted
The School of Government conducted a survey of all North Carolina local governments asking about the development related ordinances they had adopted. This survey was conducted in 2004-05. In addition to the survey, additional information on ordinances adopted was secured in 2005 from telephone interviews and web site reviews to verify survey reports and gain information regarding non responding jurisdictions.
The project report: An Inventory of Local Government Land Use Ordinances in North Carolina (Special Series No. 21, May 2006).
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
The School of Government conducted a survey of all North Carolina local governments regarding their experience with municipal extraterritorial planning jurisdiction. This 2004-05 survey also collected information for the special use permit report noted above.
The project report: The North Carolina Experience with Municipal Extraterritorial Planning Jurisdiction (Special Series No. 20, January 2006).
Zoning Variances
The School of Government conducted a survey of all North Carolina local governments regarding their experience with zoning variances. The survey was mailed in 2002-03 to all cities and counties in the state. The links below contain information based on this survey.
- The project report is A Survey of Experience with Zoning Variances (Special Series No. 18, February 2004). It includes an overview and analysis of responses, a copy of the survey mailed to NC cities and counties, and a complete list of responding jurisdictions.
- Sample Statements and Orders -- Sample statements read at the outset of the hearing on variances, sample hearing procedures, and sample orders regarding BOA decision